Flint & Steel Sound System has been one of my passion projects since 2022. Starting out as a single Cubo 15 subwoofer, I focused my energy on building a full stack during 2023.

I’m now on V3.0 – the culmination of all my knowledge thus far. A double 18″ sub, 15″ kick and a coaxially loaded 15″ midtop provide quite a kick, totalling 8kW of power.

Now it’s a functional unit, I rent it out to music events and raves. If you’re interested you can book it too! Send me an email at max@errantminds.net

Good sound is something I’ve been passionate about for as long as I can remember. Listening to music in a way you can not only hear, but feel, brings the energy of an event to the next level and cements it as an experience, instead of just going out. You wouldn’t go to the cinema without your glasses, so why go to a rave without good sound?

As well as seeing people enjoy the rig, I’ve loved the process of building it. Designing, redesigning, building, rebuilding, testing and tweaking. In fact, it’s a bit boring now it’s reached a plateau.

Every part has been carefully considered and crafted with love by hand – from every solder connection on every cable to meticulously tuning every frequency. I love the details.

You can watch me build a subwoofer from V2.0 in 3 minutes below to get an idea:

V3.0 Photos



V1.0 & Early Days


Metallic Fingernails

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Cortical Archival Library for Contextualization, Inference, Filing, and Efficient Recall Yeah, that acronym is a bit of a stretch… but you get the idea. Calcifer, or

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