The ULTIMATE HAProxy Configuration

Need an all in one, do everything, all singing, all dancing reverse proxy? Look no further! I’ve been building an ultra dense HAProxy system which will take care of SSL passthrough, SSL termination, Let’s Encrypt certificate generation, conversion and autorenewal and the other benefits that come with HAProxy, like caching and load balancing.

Deploy a Local Kubernetes Cluster on Debian 11

From someone who has no idea how to deploy a Local Kubernetes Cluster on Debian 11. Kubernetes is an amazingly powerful tool… yada yada yada. Chances are you’re here because you’ve already heard how great it is. So, if you’ve had the same idea as me and want to set up a local k8s cluster […]

Homelab Part 1: ORIGINS

During the first COVID lockdown, I found a new way to occupy myself and my wallet; I was going to learn how the internet works or go broke trying. That was definitely not my original plan, but it’s definitely what ended up happening and led to the rise and fall of my homelab & private […]