Cortical Archival Library for Contextualization, Inference, Filing, and Efficient Recall Yeah, that acronym is a bit of a stretch… but you get the idea. Calcifer, or Cal for short, is my ever growing AI powered assistant written in python. It’s main function is to archive and organise all my thoughts, so they are browsable, indexable and […]

PSA: Running a Tor Middle Relay Can Cause Blacklisting

This is just a quick note to reassure anyone else who thought they were losing their mind because they thought there was something wrong with their firewall or DNS. In the end, it actually wasn’t DNS for once. This is not a particularly ground breaking or surprising observation, but good to have solid evidence that […]


My collection of servers is still going strong and has evolved massively since my last post about my homelab in 2021. It’s now less of a homelab and more of a production ready, hyper-converged, high availability powerhouse. watch this space, I’m gunna make a video, just haven’t got around to it yet

Troubleshooting Very Average Wireguard Performance on IONOS

I’ve been obsessing over this on and off for about a month, and I just can’t seem to figure it out. The situation is as follows: public internet ———-> VPS <====WG Tunnel====> pfSense ———-> LAN/Server I have a Wireguard tunnel set up to route all traffic between my pfSense LAN and a VPS. This means […]

Homelab ’23

A whistle stop tour of my new server and homelab environment. I’ve migrated from XCP-NG to Proxmox and explain a little bit about my rationale. Apologies it’s in crap video form.

Weird Network Problems in XCP-NG

I have no idea what is going on. I’m getting consistently inconsistent throughput and latency issues. This is a post to collect my findings so far… Not very interesting to anyone else but me. Ping via PIFs: No problems there. Pings between VMs, using VIFs: Not terrible, but not amazing. Throughput tested with iperf3: Throughput […]

MySQL Benchmarks – NFS vs Local Storage

Recently, I migrated my containers from a standalone Docker node to Docker Swarm. On the standalone node I used a local VHD for persistent storage, but now I’m using NFS Docker volumes defined in the compose file. I knew I’d take a slight performance hit serving the files over NFS, but I was happy to […]

The ULTIMATE HAProxy Configuration

Need an all in one, do everything, all singing, all dancing reverse proxy? Look no further! I’ve been building an ultra dense HAProxy system which will take care of SSL passthrough, SSL termination, Let’s Encrypt certificate generation, conversion and autorenewal and the other benefits that come with HAProxy, like caching and load balancing.

GPT-J-6B Chatbot Experiments

GPT-J is a 6 billion parameter model and does a shockingly good job at writing stories, answering questions, and generally giving people existential crises regarding their job security.

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